
Sunday, 28 December 2014

How to Hide or Conceal URL? For Beginners

How to Hide or Conceal URL?

As a continuation of tutorials on Phishing, we show you in this tutorial how to conceal a URL.That is, with the following techniques you can make a suspicious URL look much more trust able. For example, a URL like can be made into a much cleaner and click able link as In this post, we shall explore all such possibilities with which you can deceive a user to click on a link of your choice.Though this technique can always be detected by a smart user, it is possible to get creative with these options by social engineering your victim.

URL Shortening

This method is probably the easiest. Let us assume you have a link like which you wish to hide. The easiest way is to convert into a URL like this, if you click on that link, it will automatically redirect you to and an attentive user will not notice the URL change!

So, here are a few good URL shortening services.

  • - customizable URL link
  • - google's official URL shortener, but not link customization
  • - customizable URL link but a very famous website, less likely to deceive a user.
For more services, visit : 

Custom Domain

Often, when big phishing scandals are going on worldwide where hackers acquire hundreds of thousands of login infos with the help of Phishing, it involves the use of an even more convincing link which can easily deceive, the users.

Paid Custom Domain - usually require you to pay for something like along with that, you need a hosting. If you're familiar with usage of custom domains, then is not a problem.

Free Custom Domain - you can also free custom domain using a website called . Therefore a URL like will be converted to

Hyperlink Masking

Many a times, you might want to include a link into an email or an webpage. In which case, you can simply use HTML tags in a smart way to misuguide the usre into what he is clicking.

For example, click on It goes to we made use of how a link is embedded in webpage.The code for such a link would be.

<a href=""></a>

iFrame Inclusion

In this technique we yet again use the help of HTML and include an iframe into a web page. For instance, go to this webpage that I created As you can see in that website, the URL of the website itself is different from the original domain Using this technique, you can include an iframe in any web page.

The code you need to use in the webpage is.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
        <title>iFrame Inclusion Demo</title>
        <style type="text/css">
            body, html
                margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;

                position:absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0px;
        <div id="content">
            <iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src="" />

NOTE: The problem with iframe is that, you CANNOT redirect this URL to another, in this case, redirecting to anything else is not possible, so If the user does realizes this at some of of time, he will become suspicious.

Enjoy..... :-P

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